Tuesday, July 10, 2007

PT. GOLDEN ARROW INDONESIA is one of the trading companies in Indonesia who mostly concern and focus on the business in agriculture products specialist for Organic Rice and Organic Fertilizer. With having 150 Hectares (Ha) area of Farming Land exclusively within Western Java Island consisted of the city limit of Sukabumi, Cianjur, Bandung, Garut and Tasikmalaya had been produced the Organic Rice for the capacity 500 Tonnage per crop paddy season. On its growing development in 2007, the company not only produced by them selves the products of Organic Rice with the trade mark of JAYALAKSANA but also distributed and marketed it to the people who live in Western Java Islands especially in Jakarta, capital city of Indonesia and as well as to be distributed worldwide.
The Organic Rice with the trade mark of JAYALAKSANA which we had been distributed and marketed is produced by using the Method of System of Rice Intensification (SRI) to the paddy farming which very well known methodology to develop and increase paddy worldwide especially in West Java, Indonesia by using Organic Fertilizer. SRI is methodology for increasing the productivity of irrigated rice by changing the management of plants, soil, water and nutrients. These practices contribute to both healthier soil and plants supported by greater root growth and the nurturing of soil microbial abundance and diversity. It is based on a number of agro ecological principles with good scientific foundations. SRI concepts and practices have also been successfully adapted to upland rice.

To make succeed on the process to open and manage our farming land for our organic rice, the first thing we had already did to our paddy by using organic fertilizer which we produced by our own with the high technique and knowledge responsibility. The optimal condition of growing paddy can be reached through the qualified management process between Lands (Soil), Plantation and Water with its agro-ecosystem. The play role of Organic Fertilizers give support completely in fixing the quality of soil/land’s and farms’ structures within its physics and biology as well as making live of micro-organism.

The management of paddy land and its fertilizing had to be done in order to get healthy of land for the healthy plantation. Fertilizing the land with the organic fertilizer is needed in order to get micro-organism to be played as decomposer and providing nutritients for paddy plantation. The name of fertilizing in SRI Methodology that PT. GOLDEN ARROW INDONESIA develops can be done by using Organic Fertilizer which made in the fermentation of Green meals and the Animal’s excrements specially with Lamb, Chicken, and Beef or combined with first of the decomposition technique.